Well..to date, it's 31 days before Christmas Day. I'm sure a lot of people are already preparing for the yuletide season. Malls are certainly jam-packed with excited men and women trying to outwit each other getting the best deals on every boutique. Christmas lanterns and lights are everywhere...Christmas songs are playing on practically all radio stations...Even snatchers and kidnappers are out in every corner.
You know what the best part is? CHRISTMAS BONUS!! I really can't wait to get my bonus or what we call here in the Philippines as thirteenth month pay. Why do you think it's called so anyway? When we only have twelve months in a year? And why are there some companies who gives 14th month pay and even 15th month pay? Well, no matter what the reason is, so long as I get it, so long as I'll have bonus, who cares about knowing why it's called such. Hahaha!
And because I am uber excited to get my bonus, I don't know how will I spend it. It is not as big as you think but at least it's something to look forward to. You can't get it just by sitting or staring at nothing. I have a long list of Christmas wishes! Below are on top of

the list:
1. A brand new cell phone. I was just flipping through some magazines last week and I saw this ultimate phone-Sony Ericsson's Xperia X1. It's one of the latest mobile phones created by Sony Ericsson. Touch screen like my phone(Ericsson W960i), windows mobile...well, it has a lot of great features.. I really love it!
2. Digital camera. Well, I don't have one yet. Since I LOVE taking pictures, it will really make me happy if I will be able to buy a digicam.
3. Perfume set. I love collecting perfumes of different scents. Of course I'll look stupid if I buy same scents, do I? I like those perfume sets, those with lotions and shower gels. I checked this place in Festival M

all that sells a variety of perfume sets at very reasonable prices. I wanna get my hands on all the perfumes and colognes they are selling because the prices are really cheaper than mall prices. Oh, well...
4. A pair or two of platform sandals. I saw a nice-looking wedgy shoes @ People are People but it cost a fortune. Not really...but for me it's not something I would buy on a regular day. Then I'll check the rest of the shoe stores and check the deals. Well, friends, if you want to buy me a pair of wedge killer shoes, pictures are on your left, size 6, hahahaha!!
5. A dozen of flip flops. I just love the designs of Havaianas, very comfy too!! I already have a lot that I can already put up a havaianas boutique at home.

Well, I can't help it...I love collecting 'em. I just can't wear it at work anymore because of the dress code..but I sometimes try to cheat and only wear heeled shoes when the boss is around. Hahaha! Even if you wear those cute flip flops everyday, I swear these slippers won't look old.
I sound sooo selfish...Of course, I also wish to get my son and my husband a few things:
1. A brand new cell phone too. Well, not as pricey as mine. Hahaha. I just bought him a cell phone last summer when he left his Sony Ericsson W850i in the computer lounge @ the office, but for some reasons, the lcd got busted. I know he'll settle for something not as posh as my ul

timate dream (after my Sony Ericsson W960i) since he's more of splurging his hard earned money on our car.
2. Half dozen of flipflops. I know, I said mine has to be a dozen and his should only be half of what I should have... It doesn't sound too selfish, right?
3. Oakley's Warden shades. He had one before, and don't ask me what happened. But he looks good on it so if my budget will allow me, then I'll buy him another one.
4. Aqua di Gio. He has been begging me to buy him this perfume but I'd always settle for something less expensive.
5. A dozen of polo shirts and short-sleeve ones too. We are both not into buying clothes avery payday like other working people does. So we usually buy bulk during this time of the year.
1. TEN dozens of bottles. Before, we really buy those Avent milk bottles for my son. Now that he's three, one of his habits is to throw his bottles(or anything he can get his hands on) like ping pong balls. Naturally, it would break. Then I would buy another one and same thing will happen. So what's the sense of buying a branded bottle when I can buy 10 bottles already with the price I have to pay for those huge and costly bottles.
2. A new pair of shoes. We have always wanted to buy my son a Nike shoes but the price is really unreasonable. And he may only be able to use it for a few years since he'll grow up and I just wasted 2-3 thousand PHP. But if there'll be a sale before Christmas, I think I'll finally buy him one.
3. Nebulizer. This, I'm 100% sure I'll buy. Joshua has been very asthmatic lately. We even had this not so good experience when we recently rushed him to the hospital. (Asian's Hospital) I have a health card and I hate to say this but it sucks big time! My health card only covered the room and consultation, but I paid for the rest. Anyway, I really have to buy him a nebulizer so I won't go lunatic looking for someone who has one.
4. Five 1.6 kgs. of milk. My son is such a milk addict. He's not into eating solid food. And I always run out of milk because he asks practically every hour.
5. 3 dozen's of shorts and t-shirt. Since joshua is getting bigger, his clothes looks like muscle lothes on him, protruding milk belly and all that.
These are just some of my wishes for this season. Feel free to choose what you want to give me as your Christmas present.